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$4500 USD
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your purchase is secured by
  • Purchasing your domain is simple

    Immediately after your secure payment the domain will be transferred to you.

  • Secure Payment

    We offer secure payment and transfer through a well established and trusted escrow service since 1999 - or you can use paypal or wire payments

  • Is easy for you

    We make it safe and easy for you to own right away and our 24x7 support will help you in case you have any questions

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By Datamueller

  • Why ?

    Great brand recognition and memorability from advertising, marketing, and your web site landing pages.

    The domain is likely to hold and increase its value over time.

  • Marketability

    This is an exciting long term branding opportunity

    SEO/Search engine traffic opportunity:

    Historically exact match keywords are rated higher in relevancy for search engine ranking.

    No advertising or traffic acquisition costs necessary for any web traffic, which is a natural resource owned by the domain name owner.

  • Respectability

    Instant authority and perceived market credibility, leadership and respect in your market space.

    This perceived market credibility increases the value of your products and services and drives profits.

    Please see Microsoft study, Business Insider, and Search Engine Journal